Monday, June 29, 2009

The Love of My Life...

In honor of our 6th Anniversary, here are a few of my favorite pictures of my wife. I Love You Baby.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Quad City Rollers

The Quad City Rollers are a Flat-Track Roller Derby here in Iowa since 2006. Just like you've seen on TV without the banks.

I've been working with the Quad City Rollers for a lil' over a year now. A couple of the girls caught me on MySpace and asked about doing a logo for them. And it was on. lol. I created their logo and have since designed all of the posters and merchandise so far. They have become my friends and have made me feel like a part of the team. I really enjoy doing what I do for those girls.

I'm hoping to start getting each girl their own logo just like I did for "The Pink Taco". LOL. Don't ask.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hot Rod Art

Thought I'd throw up some of my stuff "geared" towards Hot Rods.

Shamless Self-promotion

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sturgis On The River - Part III

Today was alot nicer than the past two days. Plus there was also a car show which explains the car shots. Overall itwas a great weekend. Met alot of great people.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Sturgis IN The River 2009 - Part II

Well, the second day of Sturgis IN the River, didn't go a whole lot better. It started out great, but about time we were setting up for the Demo bout for the Quad City Rollers VS. The Old Capital City Roller Girls (Iowa City), the rains came again. As a bonus the iowa City Girls while car pooling apparently rear ende each other on the way and were not able to show. They didn't miss alot. It looked like a hurricane had come through. Pretty amazing what the winds did to some of the large tents. One of the attached pics shows how it completely turned one of the tents completely upside down. It was pretty scary there for a bit. And then there was the matter of a limb falling off my tree and through my car window when I got home. Grrrrrrrrrrr.....

Maybe TOMORROW will be better?